Analyze the outcomes of a large number of test cases

Analyze the outcomes of a large number of test cases

After you have created a large number of test cases based on real-world data, you can perform some insightful analysis on the outcomes of those test cases.

Identify the frequency of each outcome

To identify the frequency of each outcome, you can:

This could be useful for seeing if any of the test cases result in unusual outcomes (eg outliers or negative results) which would point to errors in the rules. This process could also be used to identify each unique outcome.

Identify conflicting outcomes

To identify if two rules are ever true at the same time, you can:

  1. Create a rule that tests if the offending combination of logic is true. For example,

there is an error in the rulebase if

the person is male and

the person is pregnant

  1. Run the test cases, through the batch processor or as test scripts in Oracle Policy Modeling, to identify if the rule is ever true.

This could be useful for identifying double payments or conflicting outcomes.

Identify used and unused rules and conditions

To identify which rules and conditions are used and which are unused you can use the Test Script Coverage report. In this report: